

Hall of Truth Daily Devotional
They that Mourn

Text: Matthew 5:4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Mourning does not just mean crying or wailing, rather, it is a deep feeling of sorrow which comes with a sense of lose of something or someone dear especially to the cold hands of death.
Jesus choice of this word is very deliberate. There are certainly going to be so many dear things to us which we will part ways with on the narrow road. They may be pleasures of sin, company of bad friends, strange idiosyncratic habits, desires, goals etc. It is required that we lay down our lives on the alter of sacrifice. No one is a pilgrim on this highway of righteousness without parting ways with this fading world and its glory. (Romans 6 : 11)

Today, there are a lot of Christians who claim yo love God but are embracing the world in the confinement of their hearts and in the secret of their rooms. They love the promises of God, yet they are holding so much to the temporal pleasures of this world. However, losing one's life is the surest way of gaining it and denying one's self is the easiest way of following God. Every other means or path is full of struggle and deception.

However, parting ways with those things we love yet impede our relationship with Christ does not comes so easy. It is full of tears, discomfort and self flagellation. I remember parting ways with my ungodly friends, it was hell. I felt alone in the world. But without tears, why should you expect comfort? What are those things that are peculiar to your life but are antigod. If you are expectant of glory and comfort, it is time to put your hands on the plough and swing into action. Trust God for strength and be willing to let go. The end is glorious for those who will pay the sacrifice.

Prayer: God help me to let go, if I have not forsaken all in answer to thy lovely call. Amen


Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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