

Hall of Truth Daily Devotional

A Lost Peace
Text: Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Meekness does not mean weakness or being docile as many seems to paint it. Quietness or pensiveness has nothing at all to do with meekness. Meekness is however, a condition of the heart where there is peace, patience and humility.

Our generation is characterized by noise and distractions with the constant doctrine of speed and haste. Christians, based on this psychic orientation, rush into so many things without patience or peace. Many homes and marriages, as well as, business enterprises that are not functioning well today may be as a result to actions taken without meekness, peace, patience and humility. Many have lost the peace and tranquility that was given them on the cross. We have a lot of noisy hearts in the church today whose hearts are vehemently glued to what the world can offer even at the detriment if their own soul. Baseless passion and pride have taken over the life's of so many that the simplicity of Christ-like life is no more evident.

This morning, Christ is saying so explicitly that there are things we should pursue and things to pursue us. To inherit the world (I.e to live this world to the fullest), meekness (humility, patience, peace and calmness) is inevitable.

Has the desire for fame, glory, people (relationships), pleasures, prosperity and money swindled us of the peace and confidence in the death and resurection of Christ? In this perilous times, it will be too risky to proceed without meeting and possessing Jesus. It's time to check how we have been living our lives. Is it in hurry, pride and speed or in patience peace and meekness?

Prayer: Lord, in this noisy generation where speed and haste seems to be the order of the day, give me peace and grace to follow You all the way. Amen.


Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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