Is your heart has broken as mine?
When all my life I'd begged for love
From a woman who made my heart
The rag that mobbed her feet
Who spit upon my head with lies
Who trampled upon my back
With her soles of thorns
Who drummed the konga of pain
With sticks broken from my ribs
Who boiled the kneels
That once bend to her to plea
Who took all my life
But left behind my tears
Why should I ask if hell is hot
After I have fallen in love with the Devil himself
Time they say, heals all wound
How about such as battered as mine
Can a broken ever love again?
Will it have the courage
To trust yet another kiss?
© Olatuja Oloyede
A Beast There is No Running
Is death the end of mortal dreams
The hopes that once fuels a toiling hand
Shall we all someday
Be enshroud in white blankets
Into that yonder realm of oblivion
To sleep forever in closed graves?
What song will the lips sing
When a legend dies in the struggle
How long must the lonesome soul cries
When a loved one is gone
Alas, the giant is gone
On a journey of no return
Through the mysterious route of eternity
The path we shall one by one tread
The mighty elephant has fallen
Its quakes are carried on the wings of the wind
Its bang has drummed the plate of the sky
Startling the other beast of the jungle
From the calmness of a peaceful night
So even the great must go
Where the worms had gone
In death is all equal
A beast from which there is no warning
A fate from which there is no running
© Olatuja Oloyede
Little Evelyn
Little Evelyn
Chuckling when no joke is made
Dragging everyone's thumbs to the mouth
Your mother just said
You are less than a year old
How long must a child stumbles
Before it knows how to walk?
How long must a baby babbles
Before it knows how to talk?
Should I tell little Evelyn
The contents of my thoughts?
Will she ever understand
The reasons behind my tears?
How will this little innocent girl know
That the fears in me is about her own destiny
Little Evelyn
I wonder if you are in the wrong place
At the wrong time
But you will soon learn the tragedy
That brought you into this ugly world
You survived a terrible abortion
Your father is now on the run
Denying you and the girl that brought you here
You have no place to call home
Than the dirty slums that house your heartbroken mother
But little Evelyn
Since you survived death at birth
Forcing your way into mortal world
You should also survive hunger
You should also survive poverty
You should survive loneliness
You may be the mistake of your parents today
You can also be their miracle tomorrow
© Olatuja Oloyede
Rain from the Cloudless Sky
When on the tempestuous sea of life
The ship of your soul sails
When the only path upon which you tread
Leads straight into the storm
Always remember this my friend,
You cannot stop the heart from being broken
Or keep back your tears
When it floods the brim of your eyes
Gold must endure the cruelest flames
If it will become something precious
The greater the height the eagle covet
The greater the storm she must withstand
Never bend your kneels in surrender
Or throw your hands in resignation
You don't need to see a gathered cloud
Before you expect the rain
The thickest darkness
Usually heralds the arrival of the dawn
You may have nothing to fight back
But you should never ever give up
© Olatuja Oloyede
The beautiful angel
With dazzling eyes like the stars
Her hair black, full and fresh
Stretch down the horizon of her shoulders
Her long straight legs
Reminds me of the elegance of Iroko
Her skin like the mirror
Reflects the mysteries buried in the sun
You are the desires of kings and princes
The prize the rich will gladly pay
But your choice is a poor resilient black boy
I am your dream in dark cloudless nights
The custodian of your love
It is I your love you chose
Over wealth and riches....
© Co-authored by Oluwaferanmi Victoria and Olatuja Oloyede
Watch Out for Idylls of Love!!!
It's the emotional reflections of a young village boy who lost his lover (an innocent girl) to the busy life of the city....
Unlike before, I will only do one part a day so you will have to stay connected to get the full story and you can always check my blog if you missed any... There are host of other poems by my friends and I there too... You may want to check them out.... Thanks for your encouragements and patience...
© Olatuja Oloyede