
Hall of Truth Daily Devotion
Daily as I live

Text: Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

What does it mean to be poor? A poor man is a man with lack and wants, who is not often recognized, celebrated, praised, known, noticed, heard, seen or remembered. Being considered totally dependent and incapable, they are easily identified as people with unknown or eroded personality.

But how come Jesus have to use that word in describing those who will inherit heaven? Being poor in the spirit is a state of consciousness which everyone who desires an eternity with God must come into. We must lost every form of self significance and sufficiency in our service to God. Our total spiritual survival must be established on Christ alone, (the only sure foundation). That very moment we are tempted to take away our gaze from the "bronze serpent" ( John 3: 14) which has been lifted up as the only ensign of hope, the snakes of this world (sins, Satan, ungodly sorrow, hurtful lust, hypocrisy etc) will pierce us.

As a matter of fact, those who refuse to constantly rely on God's divine strength will be discouraged somewhere down the road. The narrow road to life requires more than mere strength to go through it. No wonder the prince of this world has blindfolded many and replaced this doctrine of daily trust in God with philosophies, theologies, and human wisdom. We therefore have complacent Christians who are satisfied with their spiritual mediocrity.

We should even ask ourselves, how have we been walking daily? With tactics or nature or wisdom or complacency? It is time to change our course of action and place our life on Jesus daily. A life of self dependence will never last the test of time.

Prayer: Daily as I live, may my life be an expression of Your grace. May I always see You on my way homeward. Amen


Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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