
That Day When Silence Glooms Our Dreams

We build our empires 
On the pillars of too many anxieties
We lay the foundations of our happiness 
On too many toilings

To win the trust of men
We become errand boys to our own fears

Someone suddenly emerges from the rare blue
To claim our hearts as theirs

Years tumbles over
And the sweat of our struggles turns ocean of wealth
Our skin glow in the elegance of abundance
Our teeth whitens with big smiles of fulfilment

Suddenly, darkness clouds our paths
Silence glooms our dreams
These weaken feet pace down the mystic path
On a journey from which there is no returning
With a sigh we sail across the yonder river
In a slumber from which there is no awakening

Others gain our wealth and the grave takes our bodies
The flesh is not stored within the ribs of the earth
But at the mercy of worms and termites
It does not matter how adorned the bodies are
They are not ours at all

If then we stare back at our love ones
They will not always cry over our corpses
And their flowers will one day forget the road to our graves
No wrinkles of sadness should cloud our face then
Because of those who forget who we once were
Or the damages done to our bodies in there sepulchres

We will understand the emptiness of all our cravings 
The moment we realise that nothing we own is truly ours

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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