
Dear wind, blow me.
Back to our primitive society
Where unity and tranquility were the mainstay of the community
When religion dare not defile us,
Now putting knives and deadly sticks in our hands
Dear wind, please blow me.
Back to those archaic periods,
When government bled not our hearts
When power to rule was not power to kill
Dear wind, please blow me.
Back to to those barbaric periods
When our maidens won't have to move naked
To look like a queen
Where we don't animalize ourself in the name of civilization
Dear wind, please blow me back
Dear wind, blow me
Back in time, I plead to you
When the word "tradition" and "culture" was untainted,
When the gods played in our midst like monkey on trees,
Yes! When we were not civilized but lived long.
Balogun David Tolulope {Drunk_poet}

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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