Chronicle of the Sage _____Part Two

Friday, 12 January 2018 By Olatuja Oloyede 0 Comments


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  2. 2
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  4. 4
I climbed into a bike "invisibled" by the witchy hour
I followed a man I know not what name he answers
A strange night in a strange land
Where life has left me with no choice
Than to follow my new boss

He dribbled through trees that stood on sands
Hurried with the pace of an endangered antelope
Partly intrigued, partly scared
The cold night got worse on his breezy bike

When I thought we are at home at last
That my emaciated bones may rest
I felt some rude smokes sweeping pass my brow
Smokes from hundreds of burning cigarettes
I heard the banters of drunk men
Rumbling my overworked ears
The night workers everywhere
Some in the embrace of playboys
Some in their half-naked dress winking at their next victims

"Where are we sir?"

"O Emma.... I've brought you to cool your throat and have some fun"

"Some fun? When I'm hungry?
I need food and rest"

He ordered me pounded yam and chicken
A meal I was indeed grateful to have

Then the waitress came to remind me the night is just beginning

"There is beer, stouts etc
What drink do you want Corper?"

I looked at her in disbelief
Wondering if she thinks everyone drinks

"I'm ok... Thank you ma"

Then my boss began his crusade of rib cracking jokes

"Guy, enjoy yourself o
This is Benue
Take beer,drink I will pay
Even one bottle is not much
Be a man and rock this night
It's your first night here so no dulling"

An interesting shock ran down my spine
Now I'm beginning to enjoy that this is truly happening
A funny moment that will make a fine poetry of comedy

I know I won't drink not even water in the house of demons
But I just let the tap of his words run
And pretended I enjoyed to drink from it

And when I thought I had heard it all
The bombshell of the night exploded

" you can see
There are many girls here
Too many to render a fast count futile
Some here will beg you for sex
Many won't mind doing that with you this one year
Even if they will have to do it for nothing
You are free to take any of them as your girl
Guy, they are the cheapest gifts
 Benue can offer you
If you see any girl on the street
And you want to be with her
Man up and tell her
Watch her fall like a pack of cards to your arms
All they need to know is that you wanted them
And see how their walls come crashing down
No matter how many girls you desire
You will always get more numbers than necessary
I will be here to support and put you through all the time"

" like seriously?"
I know lies when it sounds
But this looks like a testimony
To what world I have finally come to inhabit
Yet I could not believe my ears
Even when u know it might be true

"And if you want to marry any girl without bride price
There is a way we do it here
Make sure you impregnate her
Once she is pregnant for you
Bro... You've bagged your wife for good and free"

This I think is getting interesting
But the packages of my first night here is just unfolding

Two fair ladies sauntered in
 Joining us at the table

I know my boss had ordered them
Maybe for me or for himself
I can't tell
I guess they were to keep this night cool for us
If that is so
Then the trouble is just getting started

I love the melody of their greetings for real
It was sandwiched with a feeling mingled with lust
I can smell immorality in the tinted air already

One sat before and the other beside me
The one beside wore a red top and black body fitting trouser
The one before clad her perfumed body
In a very short shinning gown
Sparkling in the reflecting moonlight
 And there was something unavoidably attracted about her
She sat astride with her laps  widely stretched apart
I could see her pant even with the slightest gaze
And yes she was right there 
Sitting before me

I knew so well 
That the dawn of something unknown had just began

Far from home
I am lost and seeking redemption
From the wolves of the open field

**************part 3 loading**************

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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