
The Lies I Told When I Was Young

The lies I told when I was young
Were not because I was always wrong
But because no one believes if I told the truth

Each time I see the wipe hanging on the wall
I'm reminded the need to always say what they wanted to hear
This is the wisdom that guided my infant feet
Into the meadow of manhood

Now that I know my left from my right
The lies I tell as a full grown man
Has outgrown the power of my will
Like a wild fire beyond the redemption of its master
I tell lies not because I am scared of this world
Like I had been when naked I ran on the streets of childhood
But because I don't know how to tell the truth anymore

It is the darkness in the world
That blackens the light in us
The wreckages of history
Are the doom of humanity
And the good we lost in the days of innocence
We spend all the years of adulthood redeeming

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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