
I Will Tell You What Happens When We Die

I will tell you what happens to us when we die
Families and friends won't just gather to mourn
And shed some sad tears over our graves
The good we did will forever live with them
And our memory will linger on in their hearts
Once or twice we will cross their paths in their dreams
But we are gone from this cruel world never to return

I will tell you what happens to us when we die
We don't just rust and decay
Some six feet below the earth
We don't end our lives as meals
On the table of the termites hiding inside the ground
We are raised beyond the reach of sadness
To a world where no wailing is heard
Where the streets are not littered with beggars
And the society not labeled with class
We are gone from this cruel world
Never to return

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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