

Hall of Truth Daily Devotional

A Desire is Required (part 1 _an Introduction)

Text: Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Literarily, thirst comes with a sensation of dryness usually associated with deep craving for liguid while hunger is a strong desire for food. Men hunger and thirst because it is upon these (food and water) that their continuous existence depends. We may do away with clothes and shelter, but a man who does not eat is considered to be on a steady journey to his grave.

Jesus Christ therefore uses these words to show the cogency of righteousness. Just as food is required in our daily life, righteousness is equally of importance in our continuous walk with the Lord. Without righteousness shall no man see God. A desire is required to acquire. We are in a generation that emphasizes righteousness as a secondary part of Christianity and by this doctrine of hell, souls are being swindled of their eternal possession.

Perhaps, we too no longer see purity as a necessary prerequisite in our pilgrimage. It may be that our Christian life is full of struggles. The thirst for righteousness has either been obliterated or replaced by this busy generation. We may have to re-examine the condition of our heart. Are will sinking deeper everyday in the ocean of sin and a sense of distance is overt between us and God? Why do you think it does not matter to desire God? Don't be deceived, those that does not keep this desire alive in their heart will be mauled down by this world. Such don't go too far in their walk with God.

Prayer: Lord, create in me a deep desire for You. Give me a heart that loves You and desires righteousness.


Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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