

Hall of Truth Daily Devotion

The Systems of this World

Text: Romans 12:2 (GNB)
Do not conform yourselves to the standard of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God____ what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.

The world has its own system in which the daily affairs of this life is being conducted and there is a constant battle over every soul as this standards work at variance against the will of God. Every fragments of the society and every facets of life has its own modus operandi which their daily activities are predicated upon. And as Christians, we are faced with constant choices of compromises and the precious dainties of this world seems to beckon on us. Our gaze on the priceless will of God is daily beclouded by the demands and dictate of this life. We have been drawn from the love of God to the fruitless rat race of this wasting world.

The Lord is coming expressly to enlighten you on how far you have gone at the expense of your eternal soul. He is saying, I have a plan for your life. A desire to keep you and preserve you in love. When we walk daily in tandem with this world, our business or daily activities, marriages, academic and even religious life will be a product of never lasting assurance. The world's measure of worth cast a gross smog and darkness on God's purposes on every lives.

We might have compromised our stand with God in several ways, but He is saying we come back and He will grant us rest. In His right hand dwells pleasures for evermore. You cannot love this world and God at the same time. Only a life lived for God counts. Do you know God will never fail you? Could it be that you are trying to make it right your own way is the same reason why things are going in awry direction? Say no to compromises today and stand tall for God. He will grant you victory.

Prayer: Lord prepare me as a living and acceptable sacrifice to you.


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+234 810 499 5681

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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