The hut is filling up with shrieks of broken wailers
Papa sat on a low stool
Head bowed in deep sorrow
Mama sat on the ground crying
But she stood surprised in the centre
Why are they calling her name
Why are they crying
“Anjorin do not leave us
Aduni please come back” they pleaded
She thought this to be weird and stupid
How can she be dead
When she stood right in front of them
How can they all be blinded with tears
Pretending not to see her
She touched mama
Wanting to say I am here so cry no more
But her hands went through her
With ease of a swinging arm in the wind
She drew back surprised
She saw her body laid on a mat
Motionless and lifeless
Is she dead?
A strong wind flooded the room
Forcing her out through the walls and the roof
All her life she had doubted if ghosts were real
But now she has not only seen it
She had become one
© Olatuja Oloyede
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