
*_WISHES_ .*

I wish to tell of the wind,
Of the sweet stories it tells to me,
Of the serenades I hear on its soft breath,
Of its symphonies and lullabies that ease the tension of my bones.

I wish to tell of the stars,
Of the promise they hold,
Of the winks they give,
Of the lights by which they reassure me.

I wish to tell of the sun,
Of the warmth it brings,
Of the light by which it lights my way,
Of the shadows it throws around me.

I wish to tell of plants,
Of their subtle rustling,
Of their gentle swaying,
Of their sensuous gyration to the music of the winds.

I wish to tell of water,
Of oceans, seas, rivers, streams, lakes and deltas,
Of waves and life therein,
Of the quiet, unseen powers that dwell in dark, murky depths.

I wish to tell of earth,
Of petrichor and mud,
Of the spectrum of colors that exists in land,
Of the cleansing and baptising power of the earth.

I wish to tell of empathy,
Of joy, sorrow, elation and depression,
Of love and of hatred,
Of the very complex range of human emotions.

I wish to tell,
I wish to shout,
I wish to speak,
I wish to whisper,
I wish to...

But I must be quiet,
I must be unheard.
I must fit a stereotype,
A gender-biased stereotype.
I must be hard and unfeeling,
I must be stone cold,
I must be domineering,
I must be overbearing,
I must be 100% muscle, 0% heart.
I must be unmoving,
I must be unyielding.
I must be the "ideal'' male.

© TheEagle

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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