To My Love

Friday, 12 January 2018 By Olatuja Oloyede 0 Comments


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I'm in class thou
Buh I'm ready to break all rules for you
For my love for you is so true

When the chains are holding me down
And the cuffs seems to have no cleft
The love in me appears boiling that the metals rust Assap

When the distance is far
And the journey seems wild
The transport system has a shut down
I trekked to China, like it's just the bathroom in my yard

When the connections are poor
And the cell phones are gone
I felt your hear within the air I breathe

When eyes lost sight
And nose lost sense
I see you within my soul

When everything is gone
And it's just me and you
Life a second is never boring

When oxygen is exhausted
And carbon dioxide doesn't exhale
Seeing you makes me last a century more

When darkness overcomes the sky
And they barely see it's wrath
Exclamation occurs with the brightness in our midst

When the jungle goes wild
And lion nearly dies of hunger
In our midst he lives longer

When death approaches us
And blinks awhile, he only wanted a glance
He seems illusion lost
Wandering and wallowing within reality fiction
There he has been for centuries ago
Like he even lost his sight

When tears come by
And sees us collide
There he stays till rapture abides

When happiness runs
Hasty like a thief
It's solace pot is just within our cliff
He never leaves

When night approaches
My BP erose
The fear of boring night

When the night is full at sight
I blame my eyelid closure
For I missed the left over  pleasure

If it ever seems like this is not real
Then fiction must be a lie
For we proved him wrong

If the class is busy
And the teacher is teaching
I see nothing but you coming straight to me

I would love to stop
If you asked me to

Just as the verb "cast"
It has no past
My love differs
For it's a future present continuous tense
You might wonder if you ever sees that
It's a bizarre beautiful Limited version

Can I get something better
For it's disrespectful to be written on paper

I admit this to be a forward to this course
So this is where I pause

Oh dear love!
You is whom I love
©Akanbi Taofeek 2018.

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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