
I am the silent rhythm
Beating in the pulse of
S/he who can discern
The melody of reality.

I'm the walking voice
That wails to awaken
The spirit of patriotism
In the face of hypocrisy.

I am the required value
Sought after by bigwig,
The mid and low states
To stand test of time.

I forced out a despot to
Enthrone a real meek;
Daily, I betray the guilt
To timely free guiltless.

He's great that likes me
But doomed that hates
My grail which heals
Scars and pain of time.

I see clearly when blind
I walk fast when lame
I hear only when deaf
I lose all but to gain all.

Nothing stands unless
My aura camps it tight:
Attitude they name me,
I'm the letter passing through time.

©Tosin Abegunde 2017.

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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