
Flowers sprout on my head
Rivers flow through the lines of my flesh
Men burrowed through my belly
To grow the substance of continuance
Men dig out my skull
To abduct the treasures trapped in the straps of my brain
They  burn down my hairs
For their selfish reasons
But gladly I die that they may live

I had endured more agonies
Since when the dews first came from the sky
Everyday, innocent blood is splashed on my shoulders
Bones of righteous men are broken on my head
Hungry tears wash my shores
Many axed by the vikings of greed
Their graveless body decays on my flesh

Tell the owners of tomorrow
Not to forget the ways of their fathers
This long dance on the eyes of the earth
Will soon make it blind
Then the world will be reduced to darkness
And men will sink forever

© Olatuja Oloyede 

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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