

The day I left for the city
Mother kissed me goodbye
And whispered into my ear
"Go make a change"
In my father's hut I knelt 
As he gave me his final blessings

The day I left for the city
I sat on the last roll of an overloaded lorry
Enduring the rude unwanted touch
Of strangers I can neither trust nor pity
Like me they have left home behind too
Vowing never to return
Until the goddess of benevolence cross their paths

Each day in the vast and complex city
I lumbered through rigid labyrinths  of survival
Shielding fragments of my being
As my sweat frictions with the wind

Each night, I lay quietly on my iron bed
My heart burdened with many anxieties
The burning bulb mocking over my crowded head
The memories of my childhood in the village
Come flooding at my door

The melodies of the nights
The sounds of gay children on the street
The ecstasy of pounding mortals
The twinkling stars and winking winds

I wonder how I cannot see
The beauties of this world anymore

The young fowl fending in the meadow of vultures
Should not nurse a grudge with its mother
The flourishing river
Should not keep malice with its source
A man must not forget his own origin

I refuse to be lost
I will return to my root someday
Not as a boy unknown to his clansmen
But as a man who has conquered the world

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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