
Last night I rode on the chariot of history
Down the memory lanes of distant centuries
Into deep unknown past

There I met the great and small

Some consumed with lust for honour
Some satisfied with rags of hunger

Some burning outrageous vanities
Some humble enough to accept an uncelebrated fate

Alien was I among the dwellers of forgotten ages
But this journey into the untold tales of humanity
Had made me richer and wiser

The best grave is not hewn in graves of gold
Or sepulchres of silver
But dug in the hearts and memories of men

We will die and so will our names and fame
The bad we've done will be forgotten
The good we've done will not always be remembered
But the consequences of who we are
Will always be there to make the world a worse or better place

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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