

One day
We are born into a world at the scree of death
We crawled and staggered
Before we find our footing
We build empires on the rocks of anxiety
We become errand boys to our fears
And slaves of our toilings

One day
An angel emerges from conflicting darkness
Tweaking the wind to sing
And the trees to glee
That's when we say we have found love

One day
Cloudy darkness will sweep across our paths
Silence and gloom our dreams
The heart stops beating
Like dead smokes in thin air
We will sigh and it all ends
The same way it began

One day
Everything will make no sense
We'll wish we had less worries
About all the things
That had wrecked our poor souls
We will place a sighing hand
On our wrinkled jaw
Wishing we had known this earlier
That life always finds a way to take care of itself

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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