
You who sleeps on the mat of war
And sits on the throne of revenge

You who tames the thunder in your beaker
And hold the wind in your goblet

I have come to summon you

My king has climb the tree of power
Beyond its leaves
He now says the eagles should clip their wings
And quit their homes in the sky

My king is drunk with the wine of pride
He now says lions should pluck their teeth
And shave their claws
That they starve to death in their dens

My king has worn the ring of oppression
Whose father has the gut to remove it
He now says the fishes should vacate the river
And find shelters in the thicket

Should I go back to my castle of pretence
To Endure the flame burning under my skirt?
Will you come with me to the palace of tyrant
And remind him death is greater after all?

Until you come with your remonstrating axe
Let peace be far from to the land
And life from the sea

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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