

Life in its beauty
Dawns on me in reality
Shining my blind eyes to see
The those then mysteries of the deep

In our clothed nakedness we walk
With our brothers corrupt and spoilt
And our dreams like the biggest mountains
Carried upon the shoulder of a bubble

Our piercing eyes do search the deserted lands
Our hearts lit up with deceit
For inward we kill our own kind and breathe
A sign of victory living like hypocrites

Why is black not black
Why is life not white
Bastard lies have pierced our hearts
Leaving a hole for our souls to die

The man called honesty
Cries, hurt to the Sky with zeal
For he saw not we
But animals with no traits of peace

Where were we made fools?
Or left we consciously our stupidity to full?
Weren't we made to see?
That light which we may believe


Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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