
Lessons from my father

Father was an acumen,
The doublefold of Solomon's wisdom
Resides in his words
Father and his sarcastic smile,
Hardly seen through his coughs
When pulling out his pipe from his mouth
"my son"  He said frantically
As he chuckles through his wrinkles
Look at me!  What do you see?
I stammered, I chuckled, became confused
Life is a puzzle! He muttered as His mouth
Reached out for is pipe again
Asking me to pour him more of mama sodiq's Palm-wine
Strength and might are weak to solve this puzzle!
But great wisdom is stronger! He said
Grow up son! Grow up!!
Balogun David {drunk poet}
© 2017

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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