
The wind blows bellow my hind
The rain smoulders my pains
The leafs of depression are still green
Fertiled by the rivers of bleakness in my heart
Even when nothing bad happened
I still feel sad

My heart shimmers
In the coldness of its own fears
It glows in an encumbered flames
Which the oceans cannot quench

From the mountain top
I groan for peace
I searched for it
Through the dangerous valley
But when across the world I had gone
Its trail leads back to my heart
From where I first set out.

Now that I know that
Joy keeps changing apparel in this world
I chose to fix my gaze
Only on God who dwells
Behind the clouds of eternity
From whom assurance and security I have

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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