
My fingers on the strings
My hands on the harp
Yet no melody is born

My lips are moving
But no word is heard
For mine is a song
No mortal mouth can sing

How do I speak of my king
Who destroys mountains with eggs
Who roasted the oceans
With the winks of his eyes
Who folds the universe
In the hollow of his hands
Who blinded the sun
With a snap of his fingers
The heavens sink
Under the weight of His glory
Through whispers
Life is formed in the womb of the earth
He knows every single grain of sand by name
He knows the trail of every fishes in the sea
He knows everything in history
He sees everything all at once
He knows all which lies in the future
Flames are the ornaments of His crown
Lightning is the lining of His garment
Thunders are the orbs of His scepter
Mystery is who you are
Deep is the well of your being
Endless is the sky of your person
That no angel can ever cross

I have set my heart to sing
A song my lips cannot sing
I have set my gaze upon the blazing sun of Majesty

Who will sing with the psalms of angels
Who will dance with me the dance of divinity
Who will go down with me on the stairs of wisdom
Shall we travel the miles of centuries
Into the courtyard of God Himself
Even if we climb into the clouds
And set our foot upon the moon
We can't exhaust the glory of our God

Poetry has betrayed me this once
Words have failed me this time
Like I've forgotten God is God
And no one can define Him

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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