
You sleep on expensive beds
In air-conditioned rooms
Yet you complain of terrible nightmares
But I spread my mats on the open grass
Under the naked moon
At the mercy of cold and snakes
But I sleep soundly
And even dream of living in heaven

You travel in big exotic cars
But still complain of swollen feet
I trek twice the same distance
Every single day of my life
Without the slightest arch in my bones

You drink distilled water
Eat purified food
And still run at risk of having typhoid
I drink from brown rivers
Eat the aches of burnt yams
And all these cure my pains

You have dogs to guild your gates
Bodyguards to protect your life
Why then do you live
in the perpetual fear of death
See, my house has no gates at all
My rooms have no door
Yet death is the least on my mind

Though you have enough to eat
Yet you go hungry each time
Your wealth is your frustration
There is one thing you don't have
There is one thing money cannot buy
Happiness is what you lack
Peace of mind is what you don't have
And that is what have
That makes me richer than you..

© Olatuja Oloyede

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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