
A few years ago a man left England and went to America. He was an Englishman; but he was naturalized, and so became an American citizen. After a few years he felt restless and dissatisfied, and went to Cuba; and after he had been in Cuba a little while civil war broke out there; it was in 1867; and this man was arrested by the Spanish government as a spy. He was tried by court-martial, found guilty and ordered to be shot. The whole trial was conducted in the Spanish language, and the poor man did not know what was going on. When they told him the verdict, that he was found guilty and had been condemned to be shot, he sent to the American Consul and the English Consul, and laid the whole case before them, proving his innocence and claiming protection. They examined the case, and found that this man whom the Spanish officers had condemned to be shot was perfectly innocent; they went to the Spanish General and said, “Look here, this man whom you have condemned to death is an innocent man; he is not guilty.” But the Spanish General said, “He has been tried by our law; he has been found guilty; he must die.” There was no electric cable; and these men could not consult with their governments.

  The morning came on which the man was to be executed. He was brought out sitting on his coffin in a cart, and drawn to the place where he was to be executed. A grave was dug. They took the coffin out of the cart, placed the young man upon it, took the black cap, and were just pulling it down over his face. The Spanish soldiers awaited the order to fire. But just then the American and English Consuls rode up. The English Consul sprang out of the carriage and took the union jack, the British flag, and wrapped it around the man, and the American Consul wrapped around him the star-spangled banner, and then turning to the Spanish officers they said: “Fire upon those flags if you dare.” They did not dare to fire upon the flags. There were two great governments behind those flags. That was the secret of it.

  “He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love… . His left hand is under my head, and His right hand doth embrace me”  (Song Sol. ii. 4, 6). Thank God we can come under the banner to-day if we will. Any, poor sinner can come under that banner to-day. His banner of love is over us. Blessed Gospel; blessed, precious, news. Believe it to-day; receive it into your heart; and enter into a new life. Let the love of God be shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost to-day: it will drive away darkness; it will drive away gloom; it will drive away sin; and peace and joy shall be yours.

Coined from D. L Moody'sThe Way to God.

I hope you get more interesting and inspiring words here www.hallofalltruth.blogspot.com

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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