
 Faith can be said to be the complete trust or confidence in someone or something.Faith as defined in the Bible is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen.Faith as a fundermental fact of existence is all about trust in God who makes life worth living,but who we cannot see.Faith as we know,plays a key role in our Christian race.Who or what you have your faith in determines how your mindset would be.Heb11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God
   Some people think it crazy that you believe in what you cannot see..everyday.But as Christian you should know that you have no limitations whatsoever to your own faith.Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.As a person you will hope for somethings to happen.which I believe is very similar to expectation..now faith hope and expectations is something we should ask ourselves that
1.What do we have faith in
2.Why do we have faith in what we believe in
3.What are the things we hope for something and 
4.What are our expectations 
        As a Christian, faith is supposed to be the strongest support you have, because when there is no faith,expectations and hopes are dashed against the wall.Everyone has his/her perspective of what they believe in. But as Christians and youths,should know that the only place to put all our expectations.hopes and faith is in Christ Jesus who said "cast your cares upon me and I will give u rest.He has said it all..All we need do now is just to have faith and hope in God and await expectation from him
   As a Christian, faith is supposed to be the strongest support you have, because when there is no faith,expectations and hopes are dashed against the wall.Everyone has his/her perspective of what they believe in. But as Christians and youths,should know that the only place to put all our expectations.hopes and faith is in Christ Jesus who said "cast your cares upon me and I will give u rest.He has said it all..All we need do now is just to have faith and hope in God and await expectation from him
     Having a strong faith the bible says can shake a mountain..So if my faith can shake a mountain, what then can our faiths joined together shake...we could shake the world...make them believe in our faith.because having faith implies believing in God's word,establishing hope in him and trusting his words are true.Faith not in a christian can never get a person anywhere...he/she will just be empty.John10:10 this verse.the thief here is the devil.. If you are not grounded in Christ, the devil will come and steal away your faith..John3:16..assuming God did not love us and have faith that we could still be redeemed, will he have sent his son to die for us?..so if God can trust and have Faith in us,why then can we not do the same as he did for us
So faith in God gives u that connection to God's hotspot of Grace, mercy,faith,love.and faith in God cannot go unrewarded.. He is a just God he all he requires of us is faith.faith,faith. And nothing else.as a youth what do you have faith In?what do you hope for??..what are those thing you want and expect from someone or something And even God..
   All God needs is our Faith.. So why not let's give unto him that which he  requireth from us..some examples of men who had tremendous faith were
1..Gideon: By faith he used 300 men to conquer thousands troops
2..Moses: By faith he was used to deliver Israel from Egypt 
3..Abraham:By faithfulness he was made the father of all nations 
4..Paul:By faith did awesome exploits for God after his conversion
5..Enoch: By faith he did not see death..
6:Joshua:by faith he achieved a lot with God
   The stories of these men should encourage and step up our faith
Hope and expect all sorts of things from God for he is the giver of all. He is also the author and finisher of our faith..so as we go on in this month.our faith,hope and expectations in this month should be seen in totally different perspectives.. Think big,expect big and hope solely on God.. And you will receive big in this month ijn Amen
Written by Olatuja Success    
                                                     God bless

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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