
The following instance, when death itself was made to give back the life it claimed, is personally known to us to be true: A mother, in this city, sent a request for prayer to the Fulton street prayer-meeting, asking the Lord for the recovery of her daughter, who was sinking rapidly, and who she felt was almost dying.

Her husband, an eminent physician, and others, also, the most skilled physicians of the city, gave up the case as hopeless. The mother felt that now none but God could or would help; that in the Fulton street prayer-meeting were sympathizing friends, and to it sent her request. She came to the meeting herself, to join in their prayers and testify her faith. The moments of the meeting passed on. One request after another was read, but hers was not touched. She was sadly disappointed. Her child was so weak and almost dying, it could not live the day through, perhaps. The time was within a few minutes, less than three, of the close of the meeting. She, at last, with faltering steps and palpitating heart, pressed her way to the desk and asked if her request was there. Upon search, it was found that it had been overlooked. Too late, said the leader, to read it to-day. See, the clock is at its last moment; but it shall be read first thing at 12 o'clock, to-morrow, and special prayer shall be offered immediately.

With what heavy heart the mother went away, back to the chamber of the dying one, none can ever know. All night the waiting ones watched, with their ceaseless attentions and silent prayers.

A few minutes before 12 o'clock the body sank, the eyes closed, pallor came over the features, the spirit seemed gone, andall was still; not a breath, not a motion--death had come.

The mother had taken her watch, hung it on the pillow of the bed, and with streaming eyes, yet ceaseless prayer, they watched the slow finger move to 12 o'clock. At precisely twelve, all joined in prayer, lifting their hearts to God. At fifteen minutes past twelve, the daughter opened her eyes, saying, "Mother, I feel better," then sank into sleep, breathing steadily; after three hours awoke to consciousness and sat up in bed, and before night was able to walk the floor of her chamber. Prayer brought that life back, even when death had taken it. At the very moment when that precious prayer was offered in the meeting, the Lord came and touched the dying one, and gave it new life. The mother's faith and prayer was honored, and the Lord remembered his promise, "If ye believe, ye shall see the glory of God." The same Lord who raised Lazarus and bade him come forth, also came and bade this precious life come back again to earth.

Coined from The Wonders of Prayer.

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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