

Less than three years ago doctors said
the ultra-marathon runner wouldn’t live
to see another day after she was caught
in a bush fire and suffered burns to 65%
of her body.

Turia spent 864 days in hospital, went
through over a 100 surgeries and had
fingers amputated. Then the woman who
ran marathons had to learn to walk

Turia is amazing, in the past six months
alone she rode her bike from Sydney to
Uluru, swam a 20 kilometre race in
Western Australia and walked the Great
Wall of China.

Turia is the ultimate survivor, and we
wish more magazines would be brave
enough to put her, and other people like
her that truly inspire, on their covers.

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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