

Hall of Truth Daily Devotion

Don't Worry

Text: Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof

Our society is characterized by struggle and hustle for glory and glamour. Because much praises are showered on the rich and wealthy, there is a desperate longing within us for heights of glory, sometimes to the detriment of our peaceful soul. We certainly desire a future so bright and somehow the fear of the unknown grips our heart and will never let go.

However, we tend to forget that Jesus already promised a settled future. The moment the Sons of God begin to let their hearts cling to the things of this world; the moment the love of money starts taking over, that moment when the temporal pleasures of this world seems to be of utmost importance, the children of God will suffer in this world. They will be swindled of their heavenly blessings, robbed of their eternal privileges and displaced from their rightful position.

One of the potent tool the adversary uses in derailing men from the track is tempting them with the beauty of this world. Jesus was tempted with that. Have we silently be desiring the world and letting loose the guild of our own souls. Are we entangled by the affairs of this life already, Jesus is saying, come and I will take care of it. In His right hand dwells pleasure forever more.

Prayer: Lord in the means of life struggle, may I never ever take my gaze from You to love this fading world. Amen


Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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