"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. . .the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." I'm trusting God that after reading this, you will be encouraged to lay hold on the greatest treasure kept secret by the prince of darkness from the dawn of time.
A fashionable lady attended revival meetings at the Morgan Street Church, Chicago. Deep conviction settled on her soul. She wept and said she would like to find peace, but was not ready to give up the pleasures of the world. To drown her convictions, she absented herself from the house of God. Time hurried on and soon she was on her death bed. Realising her condition, she sent for a friend who had attended the meetings with her and who had listened to the spiritual pleadings and found the joy of pardoning love. This friend hurried to the bedside of the dying one. As she entered the room, the dying woman looked at her with eyes of terror, and grasping her hand, she exclaim, "Oh stay with me till I'm gone! I am dying and going to hell. Tell. . .the minister to preach hell as he has never preached it before, for I am going to hell!"
Then, pointing to the wardrobe, she said, "Go there and you will see what has ruined my soul." She opened the door and saw the rich, fashionable clothing and turned again to the side of the dying woman, who raised herself up and sang the hymn she had so often heard at the meeting:
"Parting to meet again at the Judgment,
Parting to meet no more here below;
Oh, how sad the thought to thee.
Traveler to eternity,
Parting to meet again at the Judgement"
As the word fell from her lips, she fell back on the pillow and her soul passed into eternity to meet the God whose mercy she trifled with and turned away for the gaudy toys of this earth. Dear reader, take warning from this sad death. Turn away from the vanities of earth and give God your heart and life's service, and eternal happiness shall be yours." ===> PENTECOST HERALD.
"They are vanity, and work of errors; in the time of their visitation they shall perish" Jeremiah 10:15 Houses, cars, treasures, and other gadgets of life that offers false pleasures cannot be compared to the eternal peace of God. Many are not willing to follow God, some people's relationship with God is collapsing because of the cares of this life. COMRADES, it is time to shun the world and turn to God for grace and help. That's the only thing worth living for! Nothing must be between me and my God. We will end well in Jesus name. Amen
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