

God, how's christmas in heaven?
The day Your Son is given
As sacrifie for a world lost in sin
The kindest gesture the world have ever seen!

When I sauntered round the town,
I saw Santa in red and kids in gown.
I saw parties painted in red.
Tonight, not even babies stayed in bed.

Some cornered in enchanted darkness
Were drunk as brutes of the wilderness
Really, I'm lost for words to say
Is God not the Lord of the day?

Contrasting is the ding-dong of the ancient bells;
The carol of sweet angels
Beyond that river, praising Christ our Lord
Who counted it not lost to shed His blood
But as I kneel to flame the flickering light
I heard God's voice this gloomy night
Whispering that with thankfulness for sins forgiven
Is how Christmas is celebrated in heaven.
today, remember that the merriment is not the essence of Christmas, our reconciliation to God is the basis of the day. Thank You God for giving us Jesus! Merry Christmas dear!

Olatuja Oloyede

Beyond the flawless facade is a boy on the path of self-discovery.

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